Godaddy To Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting Migration [Without Downtime]

[Without Downtime] Godaddy To Godaddy WordPress Hosting Migration

Sharing is best part in blogging community. Being a part of this community I have been trying to contribute by sharing whatever good or bad experience I have with blogging. Recently I learned how easy it is to do Godaddy to Godaddy managed WordPress hosting migration that too without downtime.

It is assumed that you already have a managed WordPress website hosted with Godaddy and want to shift the hosting within Godaddy.

What was my case?

Just to bring more clarity to the hosting migration process, I would like to share what I did. I had two WordPress managed accounts with GoDaddy. That means I had two customer IDs.

One of my managed WordPress website was hosted in first GoDaddy hosting account. I had not hosted any website in second account. I wanted to shift my managed WordPress website from first account to second account. Technically I was changing host. I did it because renewal of first hosting account was expiring in next few days. Whereas the second managed Godaddy WordPress hosting was expiring after 6 months.

By transferring the hosting to new account, I was actually saving some bugs.

Pre-migration Conditions:

  1. You should have two hosting in the same GoDaddy account ( Under one user account ) or
  2. You should have two hosting in two different Godaddy accounts. In either case, you can migrate your WordPress hosting very easily.
  3. The target hosting (where you want to shift in your website) account should not have a website live. Please note that this process will delete if a website is already hosted in the target hosting account.

Mandatory Requirement:

If your domain is registered with any other domain registration company then keep the user ID and password ready or recover them before starting the migration. Because after the hosting migration you will have to change the A record yourself. Changing host simple means changing the IP address of your website.

Note- In this entire process GoDaddy would not get involved. They may guide you but you have to initiate and complete the migration yourself.

Though this article is dedicated to Godaddy to Godaddy managed WordPress hosting transfer, please be informed that many hosting companies provide free WordPress migration as well.

Steps to Transfer WordPress Website Hosting From Godaddy to Godaddy

By following 5 simple steps you can successfully migrate your website:

Step 1:

Login to your GoDaddy destination account. This means the account where you would like to transfer.

Step 2:

Click on the product section and choose the hosting.

Now there are two scenarios –

  • A) You have not hosted any website in this hosting account. Just like my case. Then you can go directly to step 3
  • B) You already have a website hosted here. If you do not want to continue with it then delete this website and move to the next step.

If you want to keep this website then sorry, you cannot transfer any website to this hosting account. It is advised that you can buy a new managed WordPress hosting plan from GoDaddy in this account and then come to step 3.

Step 3:

Click on host a website option/Set up a account option – Now, again there are two option

  • A) Host a new website
  • B) Migrate a existing WordPress website

Click on the option to migrate an existing WordPress website.

Step 4:

It would ask you to enter the WordPress admin user Id and password. The same user ID and password used to login into the dashboard of the WordPress panel of the website that you want to transfer.

After successful entry, the migration would start. It may take some time. If the domain is with GoDaddy then migration would be completed and new website would be hosted in new hosted immediately.

That’s it, You have done it.

I will guide you to check how to be 100% sure about migration is complete or not in the last part of this article.

Note: If the domain is not with Godaddy then after migration the old website would be hosted on a temporary domain which may look like this-


You need to follow step 5.

Step 5:

Point A record of new host from Domain control panel- This step is only required if the domain is not registered with GoDaddy. Now log on to the control panel of the domain. Go to record or self service section. In my case, the domain was booked with Bigrock and domain control panel.

You need to A change it and point new a record of the server. You will get A record of new host by logging into the destination GoDaddy account and following the below direction:

Login > My Products > Managed WordPress Hosting > Manage > Settings (The right hand side of the screen will show you the IP address of the server. This is actually a “A Record of your server”.

You need to copy and paste it to the control panel of your domain.

Now copy, go to the control panel of the domain and paste this record. In the next few minutes, your website would be live in new hosting.

This is all about the Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting Migration process.

How to be 100% assured of successful transfer?

If you want to be 100 % sure and want to check whether the transfer process is successfully completed or not then, the following are the simple steps to check IP address of the hosting server. (called ping check )

If you are using Windows then
Go to search bar > Write CMD > Command Prompt >  Write “Ping domain name”  without http or www.

If the IP address of new hosting server is visible that means the migration process is successfully completed.

Thank you for reading. Furthermore, if you are facing any problems while migrating GoDaddy to GoDaddy site then do comment below.

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